Cookie Policy
Last update: 3 September 2023
A cookie is a small text file in which short information about a user's activity on a website is collected and stored on the device that accessed the site. They also consist of portions of code installed inside the browser that assist the Holder in the delivery of the Service according to the purpose described. It is then small information sent from a website to a visitor's hard drive.
Cookies cannot be used to run programs or send viruses to your computer. In addition, cookies do not damage your device and allow us to ensure better and faster navigation on our site. Visiting our website accepts the placement of cookies on your device; If you choose not to accept our cookies, we cannot guarantee that the navigation on our site is satisfactory.
Any additional information, such as those that allow us to send you advertisements, is stored only after your consent, expressed by simple navigation on the site or through the mechanisms described below.
Types of cookies used by our website
Our site uses both cookies that do not need your consent for their installation, and cookies that we can install only with your prior consent; In particular:
- Technical cookies (which do NOT require your consent): they are necessary for the operation of the site and allow you to access its functions (c.d. navigation cookies) and are mostly session cookies. We can also use functional cookies that allow you to save your preferences and settings, improving your browsing experience on our site. To ensure their functionality and be able to remember your preferences these cookies are not deleted when the browser is closed; however, they have a default maximum duration (up to a maximum of 2 years) and after the default time period are automatically deactivated. These cookies and the data they collect are not used for further purposes. You don't need your consent to install technical cookies; we proceed to install them automatically as a result of access to the site or your request for certain features. At any time you can always choose to disable them by changing your browser settings. However, in that case, you may not be able to display our site correctly.
- Profiling cookies (requiring your CONSENT): our site also uses profiling cookies that we can install only with your prior consent. Through the site can be installed, if you expressly allow their installation, also third-party cookies.
Cookies defined by the Data Protection Authority can include several categories of cookies, including ad profiling cookies, retargeting cookies, social cookies and analytical cookies that are not limited to aggregate statistical analysis.
- Advertising profilingcookies : create profiles related to the user to make you display advertisements in line with the preferences you manifest when browsing the Internet;
- Retargeting cookies: they send you advertisements for products similar to those on which you have expressed interest (for example, showing you the products you have viewed on our site when you browse affiliated sites), or allow you to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign of ours or third parties;
- Analytical cookies: they keep track of the choices you make on the site and your browsing to perform statistical analysis by us and third parties, keeping track of your preferences and your online behavior and to propose personalized messages;
- Social cookies: the site also allows some social networks (for example, Facebook, Twitter) to install their own cookies using their plug-ins. These cookies are managed directly by these third parties and can also be used in order to make you view advertisements on other sites in line with your preferences.
These cookies will only be installed with your consent. For this reason, when you access the site, a banner appears, informing you that (i) on the site are used analytical cookies, profiling and retargeting, even third-party and that (ii) closing the banner or continuing the navigation by selecting an element of the site outside the banner or accessing another area of the site , the user consents to the use of cookies. We will keep track of your possible consent through a special technical cookie. In this way, we will avoid making you display the banner on cookies during your subsequent visits to the site; If you decide to delete the technical cookies remember that we will also lose the trace of your consent and, therefore, during your next visit you will again display the banner on cookies. Of course, you are free to block the installation of profiling cookies (whether they are third-party analytics, social, retargeting or profiling), or to revoke the consent that you initially lent, at any time and without compromising your ability to visit the site and enjoy its contents. To learn how to carefully read third-party cookie policies by following the links in the table below.
Enabling or Disabling Cookies
- For all cookies (technical and profiling)
You can decide whether or not to allow cookies to be installed even using your browser settings. However, not all of the features of this site could remain in place if one or more cookies are disabled (remember that browsing cookies are indispensable for the basic functionality of the site). You can check and change the settings for this choice in the browser preferences window.
- For third-party cookies that need consent
The installation of third-party profiling, retargeting, analytics, and social cookies and any other related activities, including the collection and processing of information, are managed by those third parties.
Some advertising networks also allow you to decline receiving custom messages. This does not prevent the installation of cookies, but it stops the use and collection of some data by those participating in those networks. Remember that although these networks bring together many of the most important companies in the advertising world, some third parties that install cookies through the site may not have joined them and, therefore, you may continue to receive their cookies.
The processing of users' personal data through these cookies is carried out by DNA10 Technology Srls.
We encourage you to regularly review this Cookie Policy to see any changes.