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Accessing access control with your face IntellyScan represents one of the most advanced security solutions based on biometrics and the analysis of a person's unique facial characteristics.

Once your face is registered in the access control system via the IntellyAccess application, the system will acquire the user's image, creating the unique mathematical model of the face, storing it securely in the system in cryptographic form.

When a user tries to access a protected area monitored by cameras, the system will request identity verification by capturing the user's face image in real time.

The user, through the IntellyAccess application, will be able to enable the sharing and processing of the biometric data of their face, allowing the system to compare the image acquired in real time with the stored model: if there is a match, the access is authorized, otherwise it is denied.

Both on the tablet and on the smartphone a popup will open with your identification data and a green and red button to register entry or exit.

Once the selection has been made, a door opening command will be sent to the configured input or output relay.

Face login offers a high level of security, as facial features are unique and difficult to spoof, it is extremely fast and convenient, and there is no need to touch devices or enter codes.

Users also do not have to carry badges, keys or documents with them. The face is always with the user.

IntellyAccess protects users' facial data by preventing unauthorized access or abuse and represents an advanced and secure solution for the management and processing of people's biometric data.


13 September 2023


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Developed by DNA10 Technology