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Access control: the most effective technologies for protecting company buildings

Access control: the most effective technologies for protecting company buildings

To protect company buildings it is necessary to adopt security measures capable of limiting entry to authorized people and preventing unwanted intrusions.

For this purpose, IntellyScan offers several effective solutions: one of the most widespread consists in the use of magnetic, radio frequency (RFID) or infrared badges or cards, to allow access to authorized persons. Badges can be read by readers positioned near doors and can be customized based on each individual's access levels.

IntellyScan also allows you to use biometric data, or people's unique physical characteristics such as fingerprints, facial recognition or iris scan, to authenticate access. These can be recorded in a database and compared with those of the user during authentication.

Alternatively you can opt to enter a PIN code for access, which can be entered on a keyboard or touchscreen panel. In these cases it is important to use complex PIN codes and change them regularly to ensure an adequate level of security.

In addition to this, with the increase in the use of smartphones it is also possible to use IntellyAccess, IntellyScan's dedicated app, for access control. This allows you to transform your smartphone into a real authorized access device and uses Bluetooth and Near Field Communication (NFC).

Additionally, IntellyScan can be implemented as a centralized access control system, allowing you to monitor in real time who has access to certain areas, schedule access times, and obtain detailed logs of user activity from a central location.

Finally, it is possible to integrate security and surveillance cameras into the control system to monitor and record events at the entrance to the building, or to verify a person's identity via facial recognition.

Depending on your needs and the characteristics of your organization, IntellyScan will be able to provide you with the appropriate tools to ensure safety within the workplace and protection from external threats.

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